The NFAS exists to foster and promote Field Archery as a sport. All our courses are unmarked (i.e. unknown distances), usually situated in woodland, and our targets are predominantly 3D or paper animal faces.
There are eleven shooting styles within the society: Primitive, Longbow, American Flatbow, Hunting Tackle, Barebow, Traditional Bowhunter, Freestyle, Bowhunter, Compound Limited, Unlimited and Crossbow. Each style is split into six classes: Gents, Ladies, Junior Boys, Junior Girls, U12 (Cub) Boys, U12 (Cub) Girls. On a standard round an archer will shoot until he/she scores, up to a maximum of three arrows. Arrows are shot from the following pegs:
Adults: Red, White, Blue
Juniors (14/15): White, Blue, Blue
Juniors (12/13): Blue, Yellow, Yellow
U12s: Yellow, Yellow, Yellow
U9s: Orange, Orange, Orange
Shoots are held throughout the year all over the country. We also currently hold two championship events:
3D Champs – Bank Holiday weekend, end of May
National Champs – 3rd weekend in September