We are an Indoor, Field, and Target Archery Club located at the Plimmerton Domain adjacent to Plimmerton Railway Station.
We cater to archers of all ability levels from novice through to experienced archers – whether you want to have fun or to compete! Archery is one of the Olympic Sports!
Outdoors we shoot on Saturday mornings from around 10 am to Midday, all year round.
We have active archers in the club, ranging in ages from 11 years old to those still shooting competitively at over 70 years of age. We encourage starting Archery at 12 years of age and older due to the physical demands of the sport.
We shoot arrows at targets at range from 5m to 90m away on targets from 5 cm across to 120 cm across, or even shaped like animals!
Our range is on the Plimmerton Domain, and can be accessed from the roundabout on SH1, just north of Plimmerton. Coming from the south on SH1, turn left at the roundabout north of Plimmerton into Ulric Street – by the garden center (if you reach the weigh station, then you’ve gone too far). Take the first left; after 50 meters, just before the garden center, turn right, over a little bridge, and head towards the railway line, where you will find us.
Indoor shooting at the Porirua Kennel Club was established some time back in the 90’s, to compliment the outdoor range and is still going strong – that’s a fair old time in the same spot!!
Over the years we’ve had plenty of good people – young and old, archers and contributors alike. We’ve had our share of top archers, including an Olympic competitor, World Champs participants, and NZ National Champions.
The Club and our people have been there from the beginning, are still going strong today. We love our sport! Come join us in the fun, the challenge, the sport of archery at Mana Archery Club.