ITaclub civic association o.s. was founded in 2011 by the beginning artisans for 3D archery by Petr Mikeš and Iva Mikešová from České Budějovice and brothers Karl and Pavel Toman from Rome.
Due to the absence of 3D parks not only in the south of Bohemia, but at the time almost throughout the Czech Republic, our goal was to build a 3D archery trail in the vicinity of Bohemian Budějovice and to approach this type of archery as a complete newcomer, as well as to individuals who are already running classical archery arts and have not yet been able to get acquainted with this sport.
In the spring of 2012 we opened the first South Bohemian park with a ca. 10ha and 2km long. This park was not owned by the club and was run by private owners who changed over time. In 2015, we decided to leave this area and began to think about how to continue.
Given that the founding membership of the club is close to Rome and we would like to continue to pursue this sport as a purely non-profit activity, we initiated a meeting with TJ Sokol Římov in the autumn of 2015. After considering the possibilities of building the necessary background and especially after negotiations with the landowners on which the parkur itself will be located we decided that Itaclub o.s. as a separate entity, and members of Itaclub become members of the newly created archery division under TJ Sokolem of Rome, he will continue to use the Itaclub name in our country and abroad, however, as already mentioned without his own legal personality. All movable property needed to build archery park will be owned by TJ Sokol Římov, which is also its owner. Funding of the premises will be ensured by revenues, which consist, in particular, of membership fees and start-up fees for races organized by the section.