The company BLACK FLASH is a German Wholesaler for all sporting goods in the field of archery, crossbow and accessories. We supply to dealers or distributors only and do not accept orders from endusers because it is not our aim to compete with our customers.
Furthermore, BLACK FLASH is a manufacturing company and processes for instance targets, arows, strings and accessories which are well known onto the whole market. Moreover, BLACK FLASH has contracts with other manufactures who work close together with our technicans and produce items – for instance bows – in behlaf of BLACK FLASH. Expert knowledge about the technique, a lot of special services in the sector of repairing, tuning and the fullfilment of particular wishes for individual material has made BLACK FLASH popular. The passing of know-how to our dealers and their customers as well as the planning of profitable sports fields for competition or leisure-time usage are other important services BLACK FLASH is offering.
Besides these points, BLACK FLASH disposes avarious range of goods for beginners up to Olympic shooters in all fields (crossbows, traditional bows, compound and recurve bows) and all price levels. Items are purchased from notable companies like HORTON, EASTON, PSE and many more companies which have a long-time relationship with us. Stocking these products in depth allows dealers and distributors the confidence that we can provide the goods when required.
Since 1991, when BLACK FLASH was successfully founded, the company has been increased to a reliable sales partner with a high reputition. Skilled workers handle all tasks to the satisfaction of our clientele: Zest and the manpower from everybody at BLACK FLASH made it possible to build modern business and store rooms on more than 1300 square meters in 1995 and 2008. At the moment we are expanding our store rooms to be well prepared for the increasing business.